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The Glute Pulse is a wonderful exercise for strengthening the gluteal (buttock) muscles. The glutes are key muscles in most lower limb activities and play a crucial role in stabilising the hip.

Bent knee variation:

  • Lying on your stomach, relaxing your neck and shoulders
  • Bend one knee to 90 degrees
  • Slowly lift your knee off the floor, pulsing your foot towards the roof
  • Lower your knee back to the starting position
  • Alternate sides and repeat

Straight knee variation:

  • Come into a lying position on your stomach
  • Support the forehead with the back of the hands
  • Flex the foot
  • Straighten the leg by drawing your shin down to the ground
  • Without arching through the back, lift the leg up to the roof
  • Slowly lower back to the start position and repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines


  • Keep the hip bones equally in contact with the ground as you lift the leg
  • Avoid arching out through the back to elevate the limb
  • Remain relaxed through the upper body