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Supine Instructions:
- Lye on your back with a towel
- Bring up one leg and place the towel over the bent knee
- Use the towel to bend your knee up and pull against the towel to increase the stretch
- As the stretch sensation settles you can increase the pull from the arms to increase the stretch
Seated Instructions:
- Come into a comfortable upright sitting position with the legs outstretched
- Take a theraband or towel around the sole of the foot of the target limb
- Using the arms, pull the band in towards the body to allow the knee to bend
- The heel will remain in contact with the surface
- Loosen the resistance to allow the heel to slide back to the starting position
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines
- Avoid actively tightening through the muscles through the thigh during the bending aspect of the movement