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The piriformis muscle is often implicated in hip, back and leg pain. Tightness or dysfunction of the muscle may cause pain directly. It may also produce pain indirectly by compressing the sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of the leg.

Seated Version:

  • Bring one leg on top of the other
  • Then lean forward into the stretch

Lying Version:

  • Start by lying on your back with knees bent comfortably and feet on the ground.
  • Place the outer portion of the ankle of the leg you wish to stretch onto the opposite knee.
  • Lift the knee and grab the underside of your thigh.
  • Pull your thigh towards you until you feel a stretch in the side of your hip.
  • Sustain as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • If you are unsure of the stretch or are experiencing pain whilst performing the stretch, please speak to your physiotherapist