Strength: Hip External Rotation/ Clam (Supine l Theraband)
Begin by lying on your back (supine) with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, about hip-width apart.
Place a looped theraband just above your knees to add resistance.
Keep your pelvis neutral and your core gently engaged to prevent any excessive arching of the lower back.
Keeping one leg still, slowly move the other knee outward, creating tension in the theraband. Your foot should remain flat on the ground as the knee moves.
Stop once you feel the contraction in your outer hip or glute and avoid letting your pelvis roll or tilt.
Slowly return your moving leg to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Repeat the movement on the same leg or alternate sides, depending on your physiotherapist’s recommendation.
Complete repetitions as prescribed by your physiotherapist.