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Retraction – “A” Stance Instructions

  • In a standing position, secure the prescribed Theraband around a sturdy pole just above waist height.
  • With a proud chest and thumbs pointing towards the roof, pull the hands back keeping the elbows straight
  • As you pull back, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Control the return.

Retraction – “T” Stance Instructions

  • In a standing position, secure the prescribed Theraband around a sturdy pole just below shoulder height.
  • With a proud chest and thumbs pointing towards the roof, pull the hands back keeping the elbows straight.
  • As you pull back, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Maintain tension between the shoulder blades as you control the return.

Retraction – “W” Stance Instructions

  • In a standing position, secure the prescribed Theraband around a sturdy pole just below shoulder height.
  • With a proud chest and thumbs pointing towards the roof, pull the hands back and gentle bend the elbows to 90 degrees and rotate your hands upward 90 degrees.
  • As you pull back, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Maintain tension between the shoulder blades as you control the return.


  • Maintain proud chest as the band returns to the starting position.
  • Ensure that the shoulders do not roll forward or hitch upward.
  • This exercise should not be painful. If you are finding the exercise is increasing your symptoms, cease the exercise and speak to your Physiotherapist.