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Long arm variation:

  • Hold the Theraband with the target limb and anchor it under the feet
  • Position the palm down and maintain a straight arm
  • Lift the arm out to the side, about 90 degrees to the body
  • Slowly return to the start position and repeat as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • Stand with weight in your hand to the side of your body
  • Knuckles towards the ceiling
  • This can be completed with one arm or both arms as instructed by your physiotherapist
  • Relax the shoulders and begin lifting the arm out to 90 degrees to the trunk
  • Adapt the height you are lifting to according to advice from your physiotherapist
  • Return to the starting point, slow and controlled

Bent arm variation:

  • Hold the Theraband with the target limb so it loops over the top of the hand
  • Bend the elbow to 90 degrees at your side
  • Lift the arm out to the side, about 90 degrees to the body leading with the elbow
  • Slowly return to the start position and repeat as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • Ensure that your shoulder blades are back and down and avoid hitching them towards your ears
  • For the bent elbow variation, ensure the elbow is higher than the wrist
  • If you experience pain, stop the exercise and speak to your physiotherapist