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Side step up is an excellent exercise to encourage lateral movements which can help stabilise the hip and pelvis. The exercise also works on function and range of movement of the ankle, knee, hip and builds core stability. This exercise also builds muscular endurance.


  • Stand beside the step with both feet together
  • Step up with one leg, followed by the other one
  • Further directions may be progressed by your Physiotherapist

Progression: step down

  • Start by standing on a step with both feet.
  • Shift your weight to the leg that will remain on the step.
  • Slowly bend at the hip and knee of your stance leg, controlling the movement as you lower your other leg toward the ground.
  • Gently tap your heel on the floor without putting any weight through it.
  • Push through the heel of your stance leg and straighten at the hip and knee to return to the starting position.
  • Ensure your knee stays aligned with your second toe and avoid letting it collapse inward.
  • Keep your hips level throughout the movement to maintain balance.
  • Complete repetitions as prescribed by your physiotherapist.


  • Make sure this exercise is done with a proper step surface at an appropriate height prescribed by your physiotherapist.
  • It should be performed carefully at home using a rail for support if needed.