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- Stand on the target limb with a straight knee
- Ensure the hips are square and the chest proud
- Keeping the hips level, bend the knee and send the hips back
- Maintain an upright body position
- Press through the foot to return to the start position by straightening the knee
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guideline
Step Instructions:
- Position the feet directly under the hips on a step
- Standing on the affected limb, slowly take the opposing leg down and back
- Sending the hips back, allow the trunk to come forward in a straight line
- The supporting knee softly bends without collapsing inwards
- Ensure the supporting limb doesn’t collapse inwards
- Watch the movement of the knee over the ankle
- Maintain a straight line from the head to the tailbone as the trunk moves forwards
- Utilise a wall for balance if required however this should be avoided If possible
- Maintain level pelvis from left to right