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Level 1 Instructions

  • Begin by laying on your back with your knees bent and engage abdominal muscles by drawing the belly button towards the spine
  • Lift both legs up into the tabletop position
  • Maintain a neutral spine and keep your bent knee position throughout
  • Slowly lower both your legs down to the ground and back up into tabletop position
  • Repeat as per your Physiotherapist advice

Level 2 Instructions:

  • Begin by laying on your back with your knees bent and engage abdominal muscles by drawing the belly button towards the spine
  • Lift both legs up into the tabletop position
  • Maintain a neutral spine
  • Slowly straighten your legs as you lower the towards the ground
  • Bend your legs as your float them back up into tabletop position
  • Repeat as per your Physiotherapist advice

Level 3 Instructions:

  • Begin by laying on your back and engage abdominal muscles by drawing the belly button towards the spine
  • Start with your straight legs pointing towards the ceiling
  • Maintain a neutral spine
  • Slowly lower your legs towards the ground
  • Float your legs back up towards the ceiling
  • Repeat as per your Physiotherapist advice


  • Ensure that your lower back is flat to the floor
  • Complete the exercise slow and controlled
  • If you experience any pain, please stop the exercise and speak to your physiotherapist