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The thoracic spine is the part of the spine between your lower back and your neck. It supports the rib cage and is the structure to which the ribs attach to your spine. It is made up of vertebrae and discs just like the neck and lower back and its position in space and movement is important for our posture. It is important to move this part of the spine forward and back and into rotation. Below describes a good way to encourage rotation


  • Start in four-point kneeling
  • Ensure your knees are under your hips and your hands are underneath your shoulders
  • Ensure your back is flat to start and do not allow your ribcage to drop
  • Do not lock your elbows out
  • Take your right hand and thread it underneath the left arm allowing your right shoulder to drop towards the floor
  • Stretch the right arm as far is comfortable mimicking a thread the needle type movement
  • Then bring the arm back through and continue the movement reaching the right arm up and over the body to rotate up to the ceiling
  • Complete as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • Ensure you keep your head in a neutral position with chin gently tucked and back of the neck long
  • Ensure your knees are under your hips and your hands are underneath your shoulders
  • Ensure your back is flat to start and do not allow your ribcage to drop
  • Take your time and breathe throughout the exercise
  • Stop if you feel pain or are unsure of the technique
  • If you are unsure, please speak to your physiotherapist