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Due to the inherently unstable joint structure of the shoulder, it relies heavily on the rotator cuff and surrounding musculature. The following exercises involve both external and internal rotation of the shoulder. Under the guidance of your treating Physiotherapist these can be advanced as strength improves.

Instructions: Theraband

  • Position yourself with the elbow tucked into the side body
  • Open through the chest
  • Thumb directed towards the roof
  • Position the affected arm furthest away from the resistance band
  • Maintaining the above position, move the forearm away from the belly button
  • Control the return to the belly
  • Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines

Instructions: Bilateral

  • This exercise can be completed in sitting or standing
  • Ensure that the head is stacked above the pelvis in an upright position and the chest is open
  • Take the resistance band prescribed with both hands in a ‘thumbs up’ position
  • The band should be taut
  • Position the elbows by the side and pull the band apart, drawing the shoulder blades together
  • Maintain the 90 degree bend at the elbow
  • Slowly return to the start position and repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines


  • Maintain an upright posture keeping the shoulders open
  • Control the return of the band, ensuring that it doesn’t ‘snap’ back to the start position