Instructions: Level 1
- Come into lying on your stomach with your forehead supported on a pillow to allow for some breathing room
- Place the palms up towards the roof if comfortable
- Draw the shoulder blades together
- Slowly lower them back to the starting position with the shoulders resting down
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines
Instructions: level 2
- Use the same starting position as above
- As you squeeze the shoulder blades together lift the palms up in line with the hip height
- Slowly lower to the starting position with the shoulders resting down
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines
Instructions: level 3
- Use the same starting position as above
- Bring the arms with the thumbs up out to the side in line with the shoulder
- As you squeeze the shoulder blades together lift the arms up
- Slowly lower to the starting position with the shoulders resting down
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines
Instructions: level 4
- Use the same starting position as above
- Bring the arms with the thumbs up in front of you to form a ‘Y’ shape
- As you squeeze the shoulder blades together lift the arms up
- Slowly lower to the starting position with the shoulders resting down
- Repeat as per Physiotherapists guidelines
Ensure that the shoulders do not elevate around the ears when completing these exercises. Concentrate on the movement coming from the shoulder blades.