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Dance physiotherapy assessment at Peak Physio

Common Dancing Injuries: Foot & Ankle

This article will discuss some of the most common pathologies presenting in dancers that involve the foot and ankle joint. Injuries to the lower extremity in dancers are more common than upper limb injuries due to the amount of range and force required to perform particular movements.

Common Dance-Related Injuries

  • Posterior ankle impingement
  • Base of 5th metatarsal fractures
  • Flexor hallucis longus tendinopathy
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What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition defined by generalised, chronic musculoskeletal pain for more than three months duration. It is present in four or more different areas of the body (widespread pain) with hyperalgesia (heightened sensation) and psychosomatic symptoms such as fatigue, non-restorative sleep, anxiety/depression, cognitive deficits, headaches, and digestive disturbances. Fibromyalgia primarily affects women between the ages of 20 to 50 years old. It is estimated that 3-6% of Australians suffer with fibromyalgia, as many as one million people.

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Osteoporosis: A Physiotherapist’s Guide

What is Osteoporosis?

Derived from the Greek terms “osteo” (meaning bone) and “poro” (meaning porous), osteoporosis is a disease which occurs when bone becomes weak and brittle as a result of bone density loss. Bone density is an important factor when it comes to bone health and strength, and when this is significantly reduced it places the bone at risk of being fractured with relatively little force. For example, vertebrae affected by osteoporosis lack the capacity to withstand normal strain or forces of everyday tasks such as bending forward or lifting a window. These tasks are known to be a common mechanism of causing a vertebral fracture of osteoporotic bone.

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Stretching: Effectiveness of Different Stretching Methods

Stretching is a great way for our bodies to keep moving and prevent stiffness in joints and muscles. Stretching can increase our range of motion (ROM), maintain our activities of daily living and preserve muscle length for sports/activities. Stretching has been debated in regards to its efficacy and who it is most appropriate for. This article aims to discuss the idea of dynamic stretching vs static stretching for warm-ups before sport or exercise.

There are 4 different types of stretching including; dynamic, static, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and ballistic.

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fat weight pain physiotherapy

Is Fat to Blame? The Relationship Between Weight & Pain

It has become common knowledge that in this 21st century our society is battling rising rates of obesity. Over the years there have been huge amounts of research that links higher obesity rates with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer and… the list is endless. 

However it is less commonly known that being overweight and carrying even a little bit more weight than we should can be linked to experiencing pain.

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Pilates physiotherapy exercise programs rehabilitation

How Pilates Can Help Clients of All Ages, Shapes & Sizes

Cities are full of studios dedicated to it, most gyms have several classes and new Mums take their bubs along to baby friendly sessions. Pilates is a health trend that has stayed the course and it certainly doesn’t look like it is going away anytime soon. So, what exactly is Pilates and why does everyone rave about it?

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Sports Physiotherapy Cricket Injuries Rehabilitation

Sports Physiotherapy: Classic Cricket Injuries

Summer in Australia means sun, sand, holidays, family and Christmas. On the sporting front, it means dropping the Steedens and Sherrins and trading them in for those shiny red Kookaburra cricket balls. Since we’re in the middle of the cricket season, we thought it was time to take a look at the sport through the eyes of a physiotherapist.

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Can’t Sleep? Leg Cramps? Read this…

Do you have a problem with leg cramps during the night?

Do these cramps cause pain, and disturb your sleep?

If this sounds familiar you are not alone. Up to 33% of the general population over the age of 50 experience nocturnal leg cramps. Read more

Headaches: Why Your Neck May Be The Cause

With over 200 types of headaches and migraines now classified, research has shown that different headache and migraine conditions may share a common disorder, i.e., they are not separate conditions.

So, if we can effectively learn to treat headaches by influencing that common thread that defines them, that means we may be able to have an effect across the entire range of headaches that exist.

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