Child’s Pose is a classic Yoga manoeuvre for the lower back, stretching lats and posterior shoulders and opening up the hips. It can be completed independently or with a Swiss ball as shown below.
Instructions: Swiss Ball
- Kneel in front of stability ball
- Rest both of your hands up on the stability ball about shoulder-width apart
- Sit your buttocks back onto your heels (or as far as you can manage comfortably)
- At the same time, stretch and push the ball away from your body
- Complete as per Physiotherapist instruction
- Take care if you have a history of knee pain. This can be a challenging position with the knees fully flexed.
- If you are pregnant, be careful not to compress your belly into your thighs. Try moving your knees apart to create more space.
Instructions: independent
- Come into 4 point kneeling on a soft surface
- Widen the knees to the width of the mat or as comfortable
- Gently pushing through the palms, send the buttocks towards the heels and allow the arms to rest on the mat
- Breathe deeply into the belly and relax the shoulders, neck and jaw
- Sustain as advised by your Physiotherapist
Other tips
- If you’re unable to keep your bottom on your heels, roll up a towel and wedge it at the back of your knees.
- If you feel a pinching sensation in the front of your shoulders – don’t push the ball as far forward, back off the stretch slightly.
- If you experience pain from kneeling, try placing a pillow underneath your knees for added support.