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The lumbar spine is generally referred to as your lower back. It comprises of the lumbar vertebrae, discs and muscles and generally involves the pelvis region. The region is intricately intertwined with the core muscles. Weakness in the core or its control can lead to stiffness and pain in the lower back as the joints work harder to support our activities and weight. Poor posture and movement patterns will tend to load the lower back inefficiently resulting in issues occurring.  Movement quality in this area is essential to help the spine and surrounding structures move well and reduce pain and wear and tear. Our day to day lives of sitting and poor movement can create an environment where we are bent forward or slouched and only moving the spine in one plane of movement. This exercise should be helpful to allow you to move the lower back in other patterns of movement which are important for its health and mobility


  • Lie on your side with your head supported and your knees bent up to 80-90 degrees
  • Walk your bottom shoulder out from underneath your body and have the arm outstretched in front of you
  • Allow your trunk to roll backwards and your head look towards the ceiling
  • Place your top hand on your forehead like you are checking your temperature and let your elbow drop back to the floor behind you
  • Breathe into the position, visualising the breath into the ribcage and relaxing the upper chest
  • Then roll forward to touch elbow to elbow, ensuring your head does not lift off the ground
  • Complete as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • Ensure you keep your head supported on the pillow or ground
  • Take your time and breathe throughout the exercise
  • Stop if you feel pain or are unsure of the technique
  • If you are unsure, please speak to your physiotherapist