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This movement coupled with the resistance of the theraband is an excellent functional exercise for gluteal strengthening. Evidence based EMG studies have shown the position of the band around the feet in this fashion, ensures that there is greater activation of the gluteals and lesser activation of the muscles at the front of the hip.

Crab walk variation:

  • Secure the band around the tops of the feet
  • Come into a squat position, sending the hips back and maintaining the knees over the top of the ankles
  • Side step controlling the movement of the stepping foot against the band.
  • As you step imagine you are passing under a shallow roof, maintaining the squat depth

Short lever variation:

Side step variation:

  • Secure the band underneath the feet, holding on to both ends with the hands
  • Ensure the band is taut under the feet
  • Maintaining an upright posture, step to the side with soft knees
  • Control the movement of the opposite leg to the starting position
  • Repeat steps in one direction as per Physiotherapist instruction before returning to the opposing side

Skater step variation:

  • Place the looped band either just above the knees or ankles as per physiotherapist instruction
  • From here, come in to a small squat position
  • Take one foot out to a 45 degree angle, maintaining your squat position
  • Bring your other foot in line with the other, so you end up with your feet hip width apart
  • Repeat with the other leg and continue for the prescribed dosage

Slider variation:

  • You will need a theraband and a slide board/ washer/ sock for sliding
  • Tie the theraband around the ankles and come into standing in front of a wall to provide support
  • The slider will be placed underneath the foot of the target limb
  • Come into a squat bending the knees to about 30 degrees
  • Slowly slide the foot out on the slider against the resistance
  • Maintain the knee bend during the movement
  • Ensure the pelvis stays neutral without rotation or extending through the lower back/ rotating the torso
  • Repeat as per Physiotherapist guidelines


  • Maintain a diagonal line from the head to the tailbone
  • Avoid ‘bobbing’ the head