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Theraband Variation


  1. Anchor one end of a theraband to something stable.
  2. Face side on, with the band tied on the far side of the affected arm.
  3. Start with the band in your hand. Tuck your elbow into the side of your body, and rest your hand across your stomach.
  4. Keeping your elbow tucked in at your side, slowly pull your hand away from the bands anchor.
  5. You should feel tension on the band and muscles working, but not significant pain. If you feel significant pain, do not pull quite as far/hard.
  6. Hold for the time prescribed by your Physiotherapist, and repeat.

Wall Variation


  • Bend the elbow of the target limb to a 90 degree angle
  • Open the chest by slightly drawing the shoulder blades together
  • Position the back of the hand against a firm surface and push as if trying to push the hand away from the body
  • Keep the elbow tucked into the side body
  • Sustain for period of time designated by Physiotherapist