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This exercise works to strengthen the muscles that bring the shoulder blades together. It is an excellent postural strengthening exercise that can be progressed in levels depending on pain and strength.

Cable machine instructions:

  • Set the cable machine height to below the breast bone with the prescribed resistance.
  • With a proud chest and thumbs pointing towards the roof, pull the handles back to bend the elbows.
  • As you pull back, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Control the return.

Theraband instructions:

  • Secure the resistance band to the door knob or pole.
  • Keep the resistance point in line with the belly button.
  • With a proud chest and thumbs pointing towards the roof, pull the band. back maintaining the bend in the elbow.
  • As you pull back, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Control the return.


  • Maintain proud chest as the band returns to the starting position.
  • Ensure that the shoulders do not roll forward.