Step up is an excellent exercise to encourage improvement to the function and range of movement of the ankle, knee and hip joints. This exercise also builds muscular endurance.
- Stand in front of the step with both feet together
- Step up with one leg, followed by the other one
- Further directions may be progressed by your Physiotherapist
Make sure this exercise is done with a proper step surface at an appropriate height prescribed by your physiotherapist. It should be performed carefully at home using a rail for support if needed.
Progression 1: Stepping Up with Control
- Step onto a step with your affected side.
- On a count of 3, slowly step up with the unaffected side and tap your foot on the step.
- On a count of 3, slowly step down backwards with your unaffected side, tapping your toe on the ground.
- Focus on control in your affected side, take weight through it and trying to keep your knee aligned over your 2nd toe.
- Repeat this as many times as your Physiotherapist has prescribed.
Progression 2: Stepping Up and Down Forwards with Control
- Step onto a step with your affected side
- Slowly step up with the unaffected side, take your foot over the step and tap the ground with your heel.
- Repeat this in reverse, tapping your toes on the floor behind you.
- Focus on control in your affected side, take weight through it and trying to keep your knee aligned over your 2nd toe.
- Repeat this as many times as your Physiotherapist has prescribed.
- Ensure your step is at a safe height. Do this near a rail or wall that you can hold onto for balance if you need.