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Anterior shoulder instability occurs when the shoulder joint becomes prone to slipping forward out of its natural position, often due to injury or laxity in the surrounding structures. Taping can provide additional support, reduce strain on weakened tissues, and help maintain stability during activities. These instructions are intended as a guide; always consult a physiotherapist for personalised advice.

Materials Required

  • Rigid sports tape (3.8 cm width is common).
  • Hypoallergenic underwrap tape (optional, for sensitive skin).
  • Scissors.
  • Adhesive spray (optional, for better adhesion).


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Preparation:
    • Clean the skin to remove oils or lotions.
    • Shave any excess hair to enhance tape adhesion (if necessary).
    • Position the arm with the hand on the hip in an upright seated posture.
    • Apply hypoallergenic underwrap tape over the collarbone and towards the shoulder blade in a vertical direction and around the bicep.
  2. Anchor Tapes:
    • Place the first anchor strip around the upper arm, ensuring it’s snug but not too tight to restrict circulation.
    • Place a second anchor vertically across the chest, over the top of the shoulder and underwrap.
  3. Support Strips:
    • Attach the tape to the vertical chest anchor and wrap around the deltoid and under the arm to end at the bicep.
    • Repeat this process again with the hand positioned on the hip.
    • Bring the arm into elevation with the elbow in line with the shoulder. Repeat this posterior strap twice more.
  4. Reinforce the Anchors:
    • Secure the ends of the support strips by covering them with additional anchor tape around the upper arm and chest.
  5. Check and Adjust:
    • Ensure the tape allows some shoulder movement but restricts excessive forward or external rotation.
    • Check circulation by looking for signs of numbness or discolouration in the arm or hand. Remove and reapply if necessary.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. Always consult your physiotherapist or other health professional before attempting taping or rehabilitation techniques.